From the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
“For simple visualization of the subcutaneous veins, in particular for reticular and feeder leg veins (blue/green hue), we have found Oxy-Iso Vein Finder glasses (Vino Optics) to be helpful in better identifying difficult-to-visualize vasculature to provide a more complete treatment session.”
Eric J. Yang, MD, Sarah P.F. Wambier, MD, PhD, Carlos Gustavo Wambier, MD, PhD (2023) “Safer 1064nm long-pulse frequency settings and safety eyewear setup to improve visualization of superficial veins.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 89, E105-E106.
The journal Dermatologic Surgery
“Oxy-Iso Vein Finder Glasses, Vino Optics, improves reticular vein visualization without encumbering technique, potentially improving the extent and overall results of treatment.”
Daniel P. Friedmann, Kritin K. Verma (2024) “Enhanced Perception of Deoxygenated Hemoglobin for the Visualization of Lower-Extremity Reticular Veins.” Dermatologic Surgery, 50, 207-9.
O Say Can You See ... That Hard-to-See Vein?
Seasoned paramedics excel at gaining IV access on the sickest patients, in the worst conditions and often in a moving ambulance. Attaining that expertise takes practice and persistence--with a bit of patient discomfort along the way. The new Vein Finder Glasses from VINO OPTICS are an ingenious way to improve your IV access skills. They're designed by Caltech and Princeton scientists to enhance visibility of veins even under adipose tissue--and they really do work! The Vein Glasses are best used in bright sunlight at first so you can notice the difference with the glasses and without. Once you see the difference you can then use them with a bright flashlight and have nearly the same visibility. They won't work if you're color blind. In that instance you'll want to try the Oxy-Iso glasses.
--Fran Hildwine, BS, NREMT-P, JEMS Hands On Product Reviews, Thu, Sep 1, 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
Veins become very apparent
Looking almost like they’re glowing. He described it as “fluorescing,” though the glasses don’t actively excite blood in any way, instead relying on filtering light in a precise way.
The vein finding glasses are a great accessory for any medical professional
5 Star! Great aid for pediatric IV starts
These glasses are very good. I've been using them for just under 2 weeks now at work, at night. Paired with a Streamlight TL-2, it works well. Its not an expensive vein light, so you have to think differently about them. For Pediatrics for instance, they are wonderful. Pediatric patients are really hard to stick twice with needles if they are conscious. First of all, after the first stick, good luck having them behave for a second. Also, often, you have to look for veins in unorthodox places. Peds have young skin full of elastin and relatively little fibrin (unlike older people), they have a significant amount of adipose tissue in the subcutaneous layer, and great circulation. The ideal circumstances to use these glasses to find a suitable IV site. I highly recommend them. They are also REALLY high quality, as they are USA made, not Chinese made, so they dont break easily (I accidently sat on them a couple times), the optics are perfectly clear like in an expensive pair of sunglasses, and I did find them useful. I was able to successfully find veins after my partner failed a few times on adult patients, and for pediatrics, these should be standard issue. When you work alone, there is no time for mistakes. These glasses do work, and they work well. In fact, today I was able to see blood pooling just beneath the skin in a polytraumatic patient alerting me to the need to place a chest tube to help resolve the hemothorax. While these glasses are not the expensive and cumbersome "vein light" they do aid greatly in placing IVs and finding other areas of blood pooling behind the subcutaneous tissue. I highly recommend them.
-- Patric Lausch, DOC Rescue, May 17, 2016 [Oxy-Amp]
I have been back to work for about a month and have been able to use your product for approximately 3 months in total
I will be very candid with my response. I hope you don’t think I’m being offense and or rude but I just want to give you my honest review. I had my doubts initial if this product would work. I was surprised when your product was put into use how well it performed. I am a seasoned Paramedic in a busy 911 system so I consider myself to be consistent when it comes to starting an IV. I also work in an area where our patient have very poor IV access available and sometimes it’s like attempting to find a needle in a hay stack when attempting an I start. I estimated I have used your produced approximately 30 times in total when I resorted to using your product because I simply am unable to get a successful IV access started on a patient. From the 30 times I have used your product I have been successful approximately 20 to 25 times. That being said, most of the time I have been successful with your product because it allows me to see the beginning of the vein and I am able to follow it a short distance. Therefore, I am able to adjust were I insert the IV. I believe your product would be suitable for EMS personnel. I also believe that it would take most EMS personnel a few weeks to get used to the way the glasses work, what to look for, and they would need a secondary person with them in the back of the ambulance or on scene for assistance. Most of my successful IV starts where because I had assistance in the back of the ambulance with either my EMT partner or the firefighter that was available to help transport the patient into the hospital with me. The other part of this product that makes it successful is the requirement of light. The difference between me starting a catheter IV versus an I.O. IV was how much light I was able to get focused on the site. I believe the combination of the IV glass, a strong light, and what to look for will make EMS personnel successful using your product.
--Mandeep Hundal, Paramedic, Northern California, December 2016 [Oxy-Amp]
These glasses really help me find those deeper hidden veins by bringing them to light
I was concerned because they were $100, but are worth the money! They do work best with illuminated lighting, but is a really cool tool for the toolbox. Not to mention they are the best fitting safety glasses too! They really work!
--Leah D. Anderson, July 7, 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
I just want to let you know that the O2 Amp veinfinder glasses have been a huge hit!
I have done so well with them that my patients family members are asking for nurses to use them! I have even hit veins that no one else in the hospital could hit. This includes the anesthesia team!
My unit may be purchasing a few pairs of these for our shared use in the future. Thank you for making such an awesome product!
The Oxy-Iso work much better under our artificial lighting. We have excellent lighting available albeit the fact that it is artificial warrants a differential in the type of glasses in your line that work best.
I have a funny story about the Iso's. One of my patient's parents wanted to buy a pair because their child is such a hard stick they were planning to bring the glasses with them to appointments to give to RNs that needed to get blood or put in an IV on the kid. A nurse on our staff came to me asking for help as she had tried several times to get a venipuncture lab draw on the pt. When I used the glasses I hit his vein on the first try which the parents had never seen before! At their next appointment they were requesting me, saying "where is the expert?" and I thought how crazy I have been a licensed RN just three months and I am hitting veins that RNs with over a decade experience can't hit. I have a similar story for a patient on an adult ward that was in sickle cell crisis (worst veins ever) and no one in the hospital hit the vein even using ultrasound -- except me! Some of the staff on my unit really, really like the glasses and we concur that for the visualization it allows us to see where to go. If a vein is curving, for example, we can see it much better and know where to guide the catheter. It really makes a huge difference.
--ENS Spritzer, Natalie L., NC, USN, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), Naval Medical Center San Diego. [Oxy-Iso]
I have to say that I love the vein finder glasses
I use them almost every shift. I have not had as many chances as I would have liked to use the other pair as of yet.
--John Cowles, January 2016 [Oxy-Amp]
5 out of 5 stars
Worth it as long as you take the time to learn how to use! Love these, Yes you can read some reviews where they don't work as people intend, its not going to highlight the veins in a giant green circle like in a game and say poke here! However it does do a great job of showing more of the vein then you did before, and even showing veins you may not have even seen before. The difference can be slight to oh wow, all varies from person to person, room lighting, how long you have let your eyes adjust to the frames etc. If you actually take the time to use them every time and learn what lighting works vs what doesn't they actually have helped me find veins that I couldn't see before, or even find valves or turns I didn't see before where which has adjusted my IV placement. It's not going to make you better at IV's, that is all on practice and training, but it does give you a lot more options for where and how to do the IV placement, which can be invaluable in many situations!
There's a few tips you have to know and follow, first being put them on about a good minute or two before you are going to start your IV, in my case I put them on just as I'm done loading the patient into the back of the ambulance so that by the time we have done vitals, head to toe, etc and ready to move to ALS my eyes have adjusted plenty. Second best tip is indirect lighting, have lots of it, don't try and use flash-lights, be weary of some of your light settings in the back of the mod, if there is a lot of glare your not going to see any improvement, but if you have a ton of indirect light it works really well. Which is why being in daylight works the absolute best!I bought these, and I plan on getting the uncut lenses to make clip-on's with, while these fit over most glasses fine I have a big head and they don't fit over mine very well! They fit fine on majority of people I have had try it on my service.
I bought these, and I plan on getting the uncut lenses to make clip-on's with, while these fit over most glasses fine I have a big head and they don't fit over mine very well! They fit fine on majority of people I have had try it on my service.
--Thomas Gardner, Oct 4, 2016
4 out of 5 stars
To start off, I found them a little hard to get used to, but with patience and continual use I have found them to make an improvement. The best scenario is with our bright led lighting in the back of the rigs. The glasses help illuminate the smaller veins, especially in the older folks. I would give these glasses a 4 out of 5. They definitely get some comments in the ER "styling pink shades" is the most common.The only other issue I have is having to wear my normal glasses underneath. they are a little difficult to wear both.
The only other issue I have is having to wear my normal glasses underneath. they are a little difficult to wear both.
--Steven Coffin, October 28, 2016
I am a resident physician, so the cost caused me to pause but I decided to buy them
I was diagnosed with severe color deficiency in 5th grade and it has had huge impacts on my life, including preventing me from going into veterinary medicine, which was a life long dream. I did continue to pursue medicine but it was not an easy process in many clinical areas. These glasses changed my life. The first night I had an admission with a severe rash, I could not see it. When I placed the glasses on, it was beyond apparent. I use the glasses in both the hospital and clinic to see any changes in skin, primarily erythema. I also use them to see blood in urine, sputum, and in wound dressings. I wear them into the operating room to differentiate tissue. They help me to see changes in vitals on computer lab reports and with all things color coded. Especially medical apps on my phone. People do not realize just how much of the word is color coded. These are just a few aspects of how these glasses have improved my ability to practice medicine, let alone changed my life.I also gave a lecture to all of the residents, attendings, and medical director on color deficiency and talked in great length about how your glasses changed my life.
I also gave a lecture to all of the residents, attendings, and medical director on color deficiency and talked in great length about how your glasses changed my life.
--Jonathan Donahue, D.O. [Oxy-Iso]
5 out of 5 stars
Great during In the field use! I work Within a high African American and Hispanic population these have greatly enhanced our ability to rapidly and confidently access what would otherwise be difficult IV access. Having to respond to infants with trauma, IVs are never easy on them, with these glasses proper IVs are more confidently obtained. Yes you need to be proficient with IVs, but having an extra edge, especially when seconds count is a great advantage for you and your patient. Overall, I think your product is great and will not only make a difference in assessments, but they will also save lives.
Thank you so much for the chance to use these in the field. I look forward to their continued use and I highly recommend them to not only the medics, but I encourage municipalities and private companies to invest in these. Great job!
--Eric Dlugoss, August 11, 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
5 out of 5 stars
So, I received my O2-Amps, I was dubious at first, as I generally am with new products claiming to be helpful in "on the road" medical situations. As a medic it is very important to know what I am shooting at and not just fish blindly under the skin for those elusive little veins, and going AC off the hop is just lazy. These glasses, once you get used to the rose coloured hue (paramedics rarely see life through rose coloured glasses), really do show a distinct contrast between the vein and the surrounding tissue. I would say there is at least a 30% increase in visibility (anecdotal but still my opinion). I will declare the conflict that I am testing the glasses, so got my pair for free, but I am receiving no other compensation from this company. Congratulations on honest advertising, and disclaimers with your product, it works as it should and as professed.
--Christopher N. Millington, September 5, 2016
5 out of 5 stars Vein highlighters!
I caught a pair of oxy-amps on sale. I keep them with me on the truck. You really can see the veins more clearly and some you can't see with the naked eye are made visible. I found that the difficult sticks are made easier because the glasses show you more options and bring out how vascular a vein is. It's like they highlight the vein. I've even gotten used to using them in bright led lighting. Plus they double as sweet safety goggles. I've been recommending them.
I admit, I was sceptical at first, but I'm finishing up my paramedic clinicals and getting the vein on the first try is sometimes vital to a patient's wellfare. I bought the Oxy-amp glasses and live them. They took some getting used to. Your eyes actually adjust to the amp's effect. It's like the veins you can see without them are highlighted even more clearly and some veins not visible to the naked eye are brought to light. I've had several successful sticks in veins that patients never had used before. I'll continue to use these and tell my co-workers about them. They work exactly as advertised and anyone who is nay-saying either hasn't used them or needs the correct perspective going in on these. They AREN'T X-ray or Doppler glasses. They simply make the color of the veins stand out more. Rollers still roll, valves still get in the way, but patients appreciate the confidence these things bring to the table. I only use them on difficult cannulations , but when I do, they work. Definitely practice finding veins in sunlight first, but the LED lights in my truck work well after you learn to adjust your eyes to let the technology work. They won't make you better at IV sticks, but they will make you more efficient and way cooler looking than anyone else. They are great for safety glasses as well.... We've all had the "spitter". Buy these. They pay for themselves in satisfaction. Awesome idea! Awesome company.
--Alex Gosset, August 27, 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
5 out of 5 stars | 911 Paramedic's O2Amp experience
These things work awesomely!! Great tool to have! I'm a Paramedic in a busy City in the 911 system as well as a Tactical Paramedic. I have been using these glasses for about a month now. At first was very skeptical of their performance. I am here to tell you they do their job!! They make veins a great deal more visible. They have limitations depending on patient's skin color, type of lighting used, artificial light vs. daylight, and obviously the users quality of eyesight plays a factor as well. What these glasses won't do... 1) improve your IV skills that's all on you!, 2) Most cases won't make the vein so apparent you could get it from across the room! What these glasses WILL do and they do it quite well! You will be able to more readily see veins in a sick patient that you would not be able to with the naked eye! They have made a difference in many of my patients that are truly sick when IV access was critically needed. As I stated before they won't get the IV "for you" but it's a great tool to have in the arsenal... My thoughts are why would I ever deny myself a piece of gear that can make a difference in my patients life. I have shown these glasses to my peers Fire Dept. and Ambulance alike. Everyone has been awestruck at what they do. I will continue to share!
**these opinions are mine and mine alone. Any endorsement of this product is the endorsement of a practicing street Paramedic not that of any organization I work for or am affiliated with.** Thanks O2Amp!
--Steve Clark from Modesto, October 9, 2016
I got to play with them a bit before they went to amb. nb...
They definitely have their spot in the pediatric world. If I had my own pair I would be more likely to wear them often, due to their practicality in the bsi world.
--Jessica Pelletier, Sept 17, 2016 [Oxy-Amp]
Upon first impression...
I was impressed with the illumination of my own vasculature and difference clearly able to distinguish the difference in perfusion in my skin with each respective set of glasses.
--Robert Reddy, October 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
5 out of 5 stars. Definitely a must have!
Hello my names Kyle Wilson from Woodward, OK. I work full time at the Woodward Fire Dept as a first response agency and work part time for Woodward County EMS on the ambulance. I'm an EMT-Intermediate. My co-worker has some of your glasses and I tried them out today on a patient. They are great!!! My wife is also a LPN at a hospital. I was wanting to order 2 pairs for my wife and I. They definitely help
They definitely help on the "hard stick" patients. Not only is their glasses the best but the customer service is 5 stars! I recommend these glasses for the quality and amazing customer service. I will give you guys a great review because I love them!
--Kyle Wilson, September 14, 2016 [Oxy-Amp]
5 out of 5 stars GAME CHANGER!
Want to up your PIV insertion game? Look no further! I am new grad RN working in pediatric intensive care and these glasses have been a total game changer for me. We have some very sick kids often with tiny, difficult veins so the IV access challenge is imminent. Kids hate being poked so hitting the vein on the first try is even more critical. I was looking for something to boost my confidence for PIV insertion and I found these glasses here on amazon. I decided to give them a try and many successful difficult IV insertions later I am astounded. Not only that -- so are my fellow staff members. These have been a huge hit for my fellow staff members who ask to borrow them. In fact our unit plans to purchase several pairs for staff use. The key is to get the correct pair designed by O2 Amp depending on what type of lighting you work in. If you work in a hospital setting with artificial lighting it might be best to purchase the Oxy-Iso lenses. There are three models from O2 Amp – the other two (Oxy-Amp and Hemo-Iso) seem more designed for the EMT/paramedic/CCT-RN working in UV light. These other two models also seem more effective at detecting superficial areas of de-oxygenation. The contrast of color that shows through the Oxy-Iso lenses seems optimal for finding veins you might otherwise not find with the naked eye. What’s more is tracing the vein. It is much easier to see where you need to go when aiming the catheter. Some RN’s claim you should not need glasses like these to hit a vein and palpation should be your number one source of skill. I completely agree although I also believe vision is something that can greatly assist veinpuncture. So why not enhance it? With some exceptions, in the algorithm of IV site selection we will first go by what we can visualize! I have done so well with these glasses that my patient's family members are asking for nurses to use them. A nurse in the pediatric clinic requested assistance with a venipuncture as she had tried several times to get a lab draw on a patient who was a very difficult stick. When I used the glasses I found a vein no one had yet tried and hit the vein on the first try! At their next appointment the patient’s parents were requesting “the nurse with the glasses.” I thought how I have been working as a licensed RN just four months and I am hitting some very difficult veins. I have a similar story for a patient on an adult ward that was in sickle cell crisis and both the adult ICU and anesthesia had tried unsuccessfully to get access--even using ultrasound. My unit was called for assistance as a last resort. Well guess what – I used the glasses to find veins that had not already been punctured –and I got the IV! All this said, I humbly recommend that you give the Oxy-Iso’s a try. You will not be disappointed and neither will your patients!
--Kara Thrace, December 20, 2016 [Oxy-Iso]
5 out of 5 stars. I was skeptical of this product at first
After getting a pair, it was much easier to see veins. I'm a new medic and this is a great tool that anyone in the healthcare profession should have (new or old). I would definitely recommend this product to any one. Well worth the money! I've let a couple of my coworkers use the glasses to see how they liked them, and they were truly surprised at the difference!! Five stars all the way!
--Christopher Jerrell, September 12, 2016 [Oxy-Amp]
5 out of 5 stars. Well made, works exactly as advertised, another tool for the arsenal!
I was lucky enough to try these and the O2 Amp glasses out while working in a Level I trauma center and in the field for EMS. First off, let's talk about what these are NOT, as that will ensure anyone reading this understand exactly what we're talking about. These glasses are not $40k pieces of infrared equipment (VeinFinders), and they are not a magical tool that make veins jump out at you from across the room. If you are looking for a product that makes you see like superman, you're out of luck here. However, if you are a professional that is looking to practice their tradecraft, and potentially add another tool to their ever expanding arsenal then these may be for you. As with anything in medicine, the user's skills and their willingness to practice will make or break your experience with this product and it's related product family from O2 Amp. These glasses provide a way to add CONTRAST between veins and skin, and at times can help you find veins that aren't quite popping up, but are easily accessible and visible with the added contrast. Do you have "that" person that you call when you can't get an IV/straight stick? If so, then consider these an additional tool to try before calling them, you may find that you' have a better success rate simply because you are finding veins that aren't quite as obvious, but are just as suitable for use. When I received the package(s), both times the glasses came well packed in a padded box with a nice bag protecting the glasses. When I first put them on, I immediately noticed a "color" difference when looking around. Each user will experience a slightly different effect based on their own personal anatomy and the lighting they are in, this is due to the polarization and composition of the lenses themselves. When I looked at my own hand to see what kind of "magic" they had, I personally noticed more of a difference with the Oxy-Iso. After researching and asking many questions of the O2 Team, I've come to believe this is due to my specific anatomy and the lighting that I've been using/around. One thing I did notice is that the fit can seem a little "off" at first, but if you brace the frame just behind the lenses and adjust the ear pieces you can make them fit perfectly (they are made to be adjustable, I suggest bracing because I initially thought they weren't because the mechanism is tight to ensure they maintain their position). Moving onto patient contacts; I noticed that I really wasn't using them every single time I started a line or did phlebotomy. This is mainly due to my own personal preference as I'm a male and the pink color tends to attract a lot of attention (in a trauma situation I don't like to be "attention grabbing"). However, when I found myself sitting down for the "long haul" to search for a vein on a tough stick patient, or in situation where I was having trouble visualizing or palpating any venous access points, I made it a point to pull out these glasses. During these times, under the right light conditions, I found there was a good bit more contrast added to my vision field, and I did see "more" veins on some of my patients that I wasn't visualizing prior to putting them on. I wouldn't say the glasses made them unbelievably apparent, but they did add enough assurance of the size and structure that I felt comfortable making an attempt on those locations. To wrap this up, I would say these glasses do pretty much exactly what they are advertised as doing. They add CONTRAST to you field of vision when you utilize light sources that have a broad spectrum of light, and they double as safety glasses for PPE. They are NOT magical glasses that will make even the worst phlebotomist "find" a vein, but they WILL add another tool to a practiced hand's arsenal. My only dislike about them is the coloring of the lenses, which is just an inherent property of the material and polarization. Should you dock them just for color or some style marks? No. If you're looking for functionality they are just that. Remember they are not a muli-thousand dollar piece of equipment (VeinFinder), but if used correctly and per the manufacturers instructions, you will see some benefit and additional resource when you are trying to find veins.
--zzzsaxon, August 22, 2016 [Oxy-Iso and Oxy-Amp]
5 out of 5 stars. First Stick!
I am an EMTA and sometimes have a hard time finding a vein in a patient. With the Vein glasses it makes it easier to get a vein on the first stick. This is better for us but much more important it makes it better for our patient. I would highly recommend this product!
--James Wilson, Sept 18, 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
5 out of 5 stars | The product is great enough on it's own!
I am a FF/paramedic and have been using these for almost 6 months on the road. I use them for vein finding and safety glasses on almost every call. I was skeptical,but wow, was I proven wrong. I will tell you the same thing I tell all of the medics I work with...these are a must have! The product is great enough on it's own, but the customer service is second to none!
--Charles Pinkston, November 27, 2016
5 out of 5 stars. Great glasses!!!
I work as an AEMT and came across these glasses on an ad. They're great glasses! Well built and work exactly like the ad says. I'm excited to use them!
--Fawn Hooper, August 6, 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
5 out of 5 stars. LOVE these!
I purchased the vein finder glasses for my husband, a paramedic. We were first sent the Oxy-Amp glasses but they didn't work for him, after speaking to customer service they sent the Oxy-Iso which work wonderfully. The product works well, looks great, and the customer service is phenomenal!!
--Anonymous, November 22, 2016 [Oxy-Iso]
I'm color deficient and work in the medical field
These glasses help so much you can't just make a specific video, I have had them for about a year and wearing them I have discovered, not exaggerating, a new color or simply a hidden one I have never seen before in my everyday life.
--Christopher Barron, July 26, 2016. [Oxy-Iso]
It's been a pleasant surprise!
Now, I am pretty lucky that we have excellent lighting in our trucks. But, under our lights the difference seems to be as good or better than out in the sun. I think all the white in the back of our trucks helps with the contrast. I haven't found a vein I could see with the glasses that I couldn't see without them, but where these glasses perform, is when you need a line ASAP. It makes veins easier to find, and harder to lose.
--M. Lankford, LP, EMT, August 4, 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
I am definitely impressed with its ability to help make those veins pop. Thanks.
--Kyle Simms, October, 2016. [Oxy-Iso]
5 out of 5 stars | Fantastic equipment!
I am a paramedic and these glasses are a useful tool I keep in my bag. You never know when you'll come across a hard stick. These glasses are awesome.
--Teresa, December 5, 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
First off I will say that they do work
They are not incredible but I've been able to visualize veins that I wouldn't be able to with the naked eye. That being said they aren't a dramatic improvement and your source light has everything to do with your capability of finding a vein. The also will work with dark completed and obese patients.
--Joshua dawson, May 17, 2016 [Oxy-Amp]
4 out of 5 stars. Great go to piece of equipment!
Very impressed at the contrast they provide though especially under the correct light!
We can all take cannulation for granted, but when it comes down to life or death of a patient, having the ability to be able to efficiently and reliably place a cannula in the heat of the moment can become difficult. Having some extra help never hurts and if your service requires you to wear safety glasses during invasive procedures then why not use that help as common practice. The paramedic vein glasses provide contrast and relief on veins that you may normally miss and can allow for easier placement of some cannulas. This can prove to be especially useful in patients who have phobias of needles or young children where they may only give you that one chance to place your line. The glasses are well made and durable and can take the punishing environments where they are designed to be used. The legs are adjustable in length to allow for a comfortable and secure fit and the wrap around profile not only protects you from any biological hazards but also reduces glare that may be coming in from the side, especially in bright sun. These glasses are designed for people who are NOT colour blind and the manufacturer has other options for people who do suffer from colourblindness. They are not able to illuminate hidden veins like you may be able to with vein finders but they do provide a much improved contrast and relief to be able to judge depth and location of veins.
So long as the environment that you are in is bright with minimal glare the glasses are effective in assisting you to find veins. These have become my go to piece of equipment when I believe a patient may be hard to cannulate, young or have a needle phobia. I believe that the only improvement I could see would be for the classes to be supplied in a hard case to protect them while being carried in your kit bag, although the can easily be put in any old sunglasses case.
I have been thoroughly impressed with the glasses.
--Steve O'Boyle, Sept 24, 2016 [Oxy-Amp]
4 stars | A useful tool in the kit
These are no replacement for having good skills. While they do not work the same for everyone, I have successfully used these to find veins that were not palpable and difficult to visualize. They do enhance definition of veins. They will not make you proficient, practice does that. They are however a useful tool.
--Amazon Customer, May 17, 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
5 stars | I am a medic on a unit for almost 20 years now, so when I first saw these glasses I was skeptical about them.
Then I saw them on Amazon don't let the pink or purple tint on the lens full you, I have no veins they have to bring in the Ultrasound machine and everything else to get an IV on me and I hate when I have to have labs drawn. I first tried these out on me I was able to see a vein that could not be seen without these glasses. You need to be in the sun light but id recommend them to any medic who works out in the sun I am such a believer I figured I'd be returning them because they did not work. Proved me wrong and I hate to be wrong these glasses Rock.
--Nitro, May 19, 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
They [Oxy-Iso] work great
I am able to clearly see hidden veins now and make my job a whole lot easier, Thank you so much for your help and understanding :)
--Grant Thielemann, color deficient EMT, June 2, 2016. [Oxy-Iso]
Very Good!
I recently purchased a pair of the Oxy-Amp Paramedic Vein Glasses and they didn't work for me, but I contacted the seller and they sent me the Oxy-Iso glasses within a couple of days to try and they worked for me indoors and outside. So if one doesn't work try the second. It makes a difference.
-- Keysha, August 12, 2016, probably color-deficient, so the Oxy-Iso is what is needed. [Oxy-Iso]
I did try them out on my girlfriend and they really did make the vascular territory pop ----Adam Nichols, Oct 5, 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
5 out of 5 stars | The glasses help a great deal in finding the dark veins
It helps to find the blood flow in even very thin veins. The plastice container also has a dark green and dark pink lens that aid in finding blood flow. The glasses are provided a cloth pouch with drawstring.
--Rocket77, March 3, 2014. [Oxy-Amp]
5 out of 5 stars | A must have!
Initially I was skeptical but I had to try it. I was not disappointed. Some of the smaller veins that I could not see before I'm just amazed that I can see the things with the Oxy-Iso that I can't with my naked eye. The fact that they give correction for my color blindness in regards to what I need to do for my job is Simply Amazing. The veins "pop" best way to describe it. Even the smallest most minute of veins that I did not notice with my naked eye I can see with these glasses. A must have. Initially, I had purchased the other pair for normal color vision. And I was let down. The company contacted me and this was corrected. This company has five-star service.
-- Patrick Ball, August 23, 2016. [Oxy-Iso]
5 out of 5 stars | Practical BSI and Assessment too
It is important to first try these glasses outside, so you can "see" the full capabilities of these glasses and get used to them. These glasses assist a provider by providing appropriate BSI while being a useful assessment and functional tool. They not only help locate difficult/impossible to see with the naked eye veins, but they assist in noting cyanosis. Honestly, this product would be a great addition to any hospital room or ambulance compartment.
--Amazon Customer, August 12, 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
5 out of 5 stars. Amazing product!!! THANK YOU very much!
I have two students who immediately tried them on and found huge success with them. We are currently working with a local optometrist to order or carry them so our vision insurance will cover them or at least flex spending dollars. We will continue to show them to our students and hopefully, drive some sales your direction. I have shared with our current road medics as well and they all seem very interested by the technology. As a paramedic instructor, I have had many students struggle with seeing veins for IV starts over the years. I recently had a student who had some levels of color blindness and was having serious challenges with learning proper technique as they couldn't visualize a vein to begin to palpate. When they used these glasses, they reported night and day difference for them and were estatic with how these performed in the field. As an EMS educator, I would advocate for anyone who suffers from challenges starting IVs to check these out, they are truly remarkable. Thank you very much.
--Matthew Drake EMT-P, I/C Clinical Coordinator, Mobile Medical Response, Inc., September 15, 2016. [Oxy-Amp and Oxy-Iso]
4 out of 5 stars. These glasses seemed to add more definition to veins that were already slightly visible
They seemed to work best outdoors and under the brightest lights. Where I normally don't prefer to work under direct light as the glare seems to obliterate the view of the vein, these glasses removed the glare and I was able to see deeper veins due to the brighter light.
--Luke Winkelman, August 15, 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
I purchased these to visualize veins
When I put them [Oxy-Amps] on - they didn't work very well. I contacted Dr. Mark, the seller, for a refund and he sent me a different pair (the Oxy-Iso) which certainly worked better for me. With these glasses, I felt like I got enhanced veins, and the lighting made a difference (sometimes I couldn't see as many, but if I changed how much light I was under that helped the visualization). Cool technology and like he says in the box - this does not replace the costly vein finder devices - but offers some enhancements.
When I put them [Oxy-Amps] on - they didn't work very well. I contacted Dr. Mark, the seller, for a refund and he sent me a different pair (the Oxy-Iso) which certainly worked better for me. With these glasses, I felt like I got enhanced veins, and the lighting made a difference (sometimes I couldn't see as many, but if I changed how much light I was under that helped the visualization). Cool technology and like he says in the box - this does not replace the costly vein finder devices - but offers some enhancements.
--Tim Buck, August 14, 2016. [Oxy-Iso]
4 out of 5 stars. Shipped fast!
I do see veins a little better now. Still have to fell for the deep ones. I does bring out surface vein with the proper light. a little pricey but go ahead and buy them a write them off on your taxes for work equipment.
--Michael Clark, June 6, 2014. [Oxy-Amp]
Major money Saver!
If this saves us from putting in 1 extra PICC line it [which can cost $3k w/ ultrasound] would pay for 10 pair.
-- Saint Alphonsus Medical Center [Oxy-Amp and Oxy-Iso]
More vessels without the light!
I use these glasses and sometimes a vein light from Veinlite to do Sclerotherapy for varicose veins and telangectasias . Since I got the glasses, I find that I can do more treatment of more vessels without the light.
--Seth McLaughlin [Oxy-Amp]
I just got a pair of these glasses and they work great
I would defiantly recommend them to any new EMT or new paramedic. I use mine every day.
--Jasper carter, May 18, 2016. [Oxy-Amp]
I have had no eye-strain after about 4 hours surgery with this glasses
I could see the operation view well, it looks like compensated with Photoshop.
-- Dr. Kei Nomura, Chief of Center for brain and spine surgery - Aoyama General Hospital, 2013. [Oxy-Amp]
Students can watch real blood flow...
By blocking and squeezing veins, easier than bare eyes. I had ‘wows’ from the students.
--Dr. Tohru Murakami, Professor of Anatomy, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, 2013. [Oxy-Amp]
I'm the parent of a 3 year old severe haemophiliac and we are learning to do IV infusions at home
For the time being, that means mom and dad are practising vein finding and establishing a port on each other. There is definitely a distinct difference in our vein finding ability with the glasses on: Its a great confidence boost. I find that really bright light improves the effect dramatically. Whereas without the glasses, bright light can have a bleaching effect on the visual field; with the glasses on, veins truly stand out like a road map.
--Anonymous, 2013 [Oxy-Iso]
5 out of 5 stars | Magic glass!
It really works, impressive!!!!!
--Anonymous, January 10, 2017 [Oxy-Amp]
I have truly integrated them as a 1st line tool for technical professionalism and safe patient care
I have been using your O2 AMP medical optics as I assist, on the average 3 cardiac catheterization procedures a day for over two months now, and they have become an essential tool for visualizing and determining cardiac anatomy as well as any deficiencies. The clarity and magnification they provide is an asset to patient care while reducing eye strain and fatigue. In addition my success with 1st time intravenous therapy insertions has become even more efficient with O2 AMP medical optic’s enhanced visualizations of vein color.
--Warren Mackey R.N., Boise/Meridian Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, St. Luke's Health Services [Oxy-Iso]
"The glasses definitely help identify veins to gain IV access." "I just got a promotion at work and will be joining management/leadership and I am going to recommend we have a pair of these glasses on each unit throughout our hospitals to help the nursing staff. I will follow up with you.” Tristan Terry, March 22, 2017 [Oxy-Iso]
5.0 out of 5 stars. “Great for EMS". "I have now had a pair of the amps for a few months and can say they do the job! They do take a while to get use to. Once you try a few lighting settings you can find which works best for you. In the ems lighting isn't always perfect for these glasses so they are a bit of a hit or miss in the field. In the back of a rig it is easy to find which lighting suits you best. After using them for a bit they truly do help visibly. Overall they do exactly what they state and am very pleased with them!” Anonymous, March 22, 2017 [Oxy-Amp]
5.0 out of 5 stars. "I even saw a bruise I didn't know I had." “I am an IV nurse at a large area hospital. We ordered and received our glasses quickly. As a seasoned IV nurse I don't have much difficulty spotting veins when I first walk through the door to a room, but there are some skin tones that are more difficult to visualize veins. After having the glasses on and letting your eyes adjust for a few minutes the veins become very much more apparent. Looking at my own arm with them I even saw a bruise I didn't know I had. Its nice to be able to wear them to visualize the veins instead of having to hold a light over the arm for illumination. We are having a nursing skills day soon and I plan on letting all of the nurses take a look to see what they think. I think they would be especially beneficial to new nurses or medics still training their eyes to pick up on finding veins. I have also showed them to some of our lab techs who said they were planning on buying some as well. :) “ bigdrn1286, March 22, 2017 [Oxy-Iso]
5.0 out of 5 stars. “First Stick. The Oxy-Iso are fantastic." "They really help as long as you have adequate light. They are also progressive in front of other medics! I am an EMTA and sometimes have a hard time finding a vein in a patient. I wear glasses and am able to put these over my prescription glasses. They are secure and I am not concerned whether or not they will fall off. With the Vein glasses it makes it easier to get a vein on the first stick! I noticed that the more light you have in the ambulance the better they work. This is better for us but much more important it makes it better for our patient. I would highly recommend this product!” James Wilson, March 26. [Oxy-Iso]
5 out of 5 stars. “Excellent glasses for starting IV's but being able to palpate vessel is always the best.” Anonymous, March 27, 2017. [Oxy-Iso]
5 out of 5 stars. "They worked great." “I work as a RN in the E.R. and PACU and I have red/green colorblindness. I tried the Oxy-Iso Blood Draw Glasses out today on PACU with IV starts. They worked great. I was unable to see the vein under normal light without the glasses; put the glasses on, and the veins were so obvious that I had to be blind to miss them. I even used them to look for veins on my kids (5 & 2) and they worked great with the tiny veins also.” 51N2P43, March 31, 2017. [Oxy-Iso]