Color Blind Technology
Experience The World In Full Color
Much more than passing the Ishihara Test -- which nearly any filter can do -- we are actually enhancing the signal red-green vision is for, so that those with weak red-green vision can see that signal better.
![Colorblind art student, Brianna, trying our tech for the first time.](
In 2006 we discovered that red-green vision in primates evolved for seeing oxygenation modulations under the skin, thereby allowing us to see emotions, health, and other states.
- Read our Journal article here
- See also Chapter 1 of O2Amp co-founder Dr. Mark Changizi's book, Vision Revolution.
In that light, we at 2ai Labs invented and patented technology designed to enhance the O2 signal from hemoglobin under the skin.
- See our Patent here
We accordingly have markets for paramedics and other medical personnel for vein finding and bruise finding.
But, also, because our tech enhances the very signal that red-green deficients are deficient at -- namely, the O2 signal from hemoglobin -- our tech aids red-green deficiency. (Specifically, our "Oxy-Iso" tech.)
In short, by knowing what red-green color vision is for, we were in the unique position of knowing what needs to be enhanced for color deficients.
Otherwise, one is just giving color deficients filtered glasses with no justification.
Proven in studies to work...
[1] Discrimination IMPROVED along the RG axis both for deuteranopic (p <.001) and deuteranomalous (p =.05) subjects wearing VINO OPTICS (O2Amp) glasses.” Mastey et al. (2016) Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Vol.57, 192.
[2] “We investigate how EnChroma and VINO glasses affect performance on the Colour Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD)…, only that of VINO could be considered functionally meaningful.” Patterson et al. (2022) Effects of color-enhancing glasses on color vision in congenital red-green color deficiencies. Optics Express 30 (17), 31182-31194.
Whereas our competitor has been shown in three separate studies to NOT WORK:
~ “EnChroma filters had NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT.” Almutairi et al. (2017) College of Optometry 21.
~ “The results show that the [Enchroma] glasses... NEITHER improve results in the diagnosis tests NOR allow the observers with color blindness to have a more normal color vision.” Gómez-Robledo et al. (2018) Optics Express 26, no. 22.
~ “The EnChroma glasses had NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT on RG thresholds for either protans (p =.97) or deutans (p =.68) but resulted in poorer BY discrimination for deutans (p <.001).” Mastey et al. (2016) Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Vol.57, 192.
Our color blindness tech does more than simply allow you to pass the Ishihara test.
Much more than passing the Ishihara -- which nearly any filter can do -- we are actually enhancing the signal red-green vision is for so that those with weak red-green vision can see that signal better.